Meet The Owner

Some see clutter. Some see piles of stuff. Others see a vision for what could be. When Renee walks into a room or her favorite—a closet—she sees possibilities. She sees organization solutions, a color theme, and beauty waiting to be displayed. Her eye for detail & talent for merchandising lends to a closet or pantry that is fully beautiful & fully functional. With a flair for decluttering & personal experience in downsizing—twice—she is ready to help you navigate a move. This lively redhead is on a mission to help overwhelmed moms transform their spaces!

More fun facts about Renee...Small town girl married to city boy, she is “Mom” to three and “Nae Nae” to her adorable grandchildren. Her weakness for purses and tote bags makes a girl’s closet one of her favorite spaces to organize. She prefers tea to coffee, beach to mountains, and the Bible to morning news.